Available for freelance

Available for freelance

Available for freelance

Hey, I'm Ivan.

Hey, I'm Ivan.

Hey, I'm Ivan.

I'm a Web Designer.

I'm a Web Designer.

I'm a Web Designer.

Meet Ivan Baturin, a versatile designer & developer from Qazaqstan passionate about crafting innovative, visually stunning digital experiences.

Meet Ivan Baturin, a versatile designer & developer from Qazaqstan passionate about crafting innovative, visually stunning digital experiences.

Meet Ivan Baturin, a versatile designer & developer from Qazaqstan passionate about crafting innovative, visually stunning digital experiences.



Event Page

Website Redesign(2024)

Event Page

Website Redesign(2024)

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E-commerce Platform

Web Development(2022)

E-commerce Platform

Web Development(2022)

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UI/UX Design

Website Design(2023)

UI/UX Design

Website Design(2023)

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Brand Identity


Brand Identity


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Campaign Management

Digital Marketing(2024)

Campaign Management

Digital Marketing(2024)

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Framer Redesign

Website Redesign(2023)

Framer Redesign

Website Redesign(2023)

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Event Page

Website Redesign(2024)

Event Page

Website Redesign(2024)

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E-commerce Platform

Web Development(2022)

E-commerce Platform

Web Development(2022)

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UI/UX Design

Website Design(2023)

UI/UX Design

Website Design(2023)

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Brand Identity


Brand Identity


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Campaign Management

Digital Marketing(2024)

Campaign Management

Digital Marketing(2024)

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Framer Redesign

Website Redesign(2023)

Framer Redesign

Website Redesign(2023)

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Framer Dev

Crafting Your Code Canvas Skillfully.


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Ivan Baturin

Project documents

Created today by

Ivan Baturin

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Ivan Baturin


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Skills & Expertise

Expertise Spotlight, Showcasing Skills Mastery

Let's create

Skills & Expertise

Expertise Spotlight, Showcasing Skills Mastery

Let's create


UI/UX Design

Merging aesthetics with functionality, I craft intuitive interfaces prioritizing user experience. Employing research-driven strategies, I ensure seamless navigation and interaction, fostering engagement and satisfaction across diverse digital platforms.



Proficient in the latest markup and styling languages, adept at transforming design concepts into clean, semantically structured code. Ensuring visually striking and efficient web pages through meticulous attention to detail and adherence to industry best practices.


Brand Design

In brand designing must be used creativity to innovate visually and align their work with brand strategy, using graphic design software proficiently and communicating ideas clearly. Attention to detail ensures consistency across all touchpoints, while adaptability allows for keeping pace with industry trends.


Responsive Design

Seamlessly adapt websites to diverse devices, ensuring optimal user experience. Tailored layouts and fluid grids dynamically adjust content presentation, maximizing accessibility and engagement across desktops, tablets, and smartphones for a unified browsing experience.


Adobe Creative Suite

Mastery of Photoshop, Illustrator, and XD enables seamless integration of visual design elements. From concept to prototype, unleash creativity in crafting captivating web experiences that resonate with users and elevate brands to new heights of digital excellence.

  • Ethan Walker

    Product Analyst, Green Oasis

    "Exceptional UI/UX designer! Transformed our vision into a seamless, visually stunning experience. Highly recommend for creative innovation and precision."

  • Mark Thompson

    Analyst, Digital Dynamics

    "Ivan's attention to detail and expertise transformed our website. We're thrilled with the results. Highly recommend his services!"

  • Sarah Johnson

    Manager, Tech Innovations

    "Ivan's design expertise transformed our online presence, leaving a lasting impact on our audience. Highly recommend his exceptional talent."

  • Ethan Walker

    Product Analyst, Green Oasis

    "Exceptional UI/UX designer! Transformed our vision into a seamless, visually stunning experience. Highly recommend for creative innovation and precision."

  • Mark Thompson

    Analyst, Digital Dynamics

    "Ivan's attention to detail and expertise transformed our website. We're thrilled with the results. Highly recommend his services!"

  • Sarah Johnson

    Manager, Tech Innovations

    "Ivan's design expertise transformed our online presence, leaving a lasting impact on our audience. Highly recommend his exceptional talent."

  • Ethan Walker

    Product Analyst, Green Oasis

    "Exceptional UI/UX designer! Transformed our vision into a seamless, visually stunning experience. Highly recommend for creative innovation and precision."

  • Mark Thompson

    Analyst, Digital Dynamics

    "Ivan's attention to detail and expertise transformed our website. We're thrilled with the results. Highly recommend his services!"

  • Sarah Johnson

    Manager, Tech Innovations

    "Ivan's design expertise transformed our online presence, leaving a lasting impact on our audience. Highly recommend his exceptional talent."

  • Ethan Walker

    Product Analyst, Green Oasis

    "Exceptional UI/UX designer! Transformed our vision into a seamless, visually stunning experience. Highly recommend for creative innovation and precision."

  • Mark Thompson

    Analyst, Digital Dynamics

    "Ivan's attention to detail and expertise transformed our website. We're thrilled with the results. Highly recommend his services!"

  • Sarah Johnson

    Manager, Tech Innovations

    "Ivan's design expertise transformed our online presence, leaving a lasting impact on our audience. Highly recommend his exceptional talent."

  • Ethan Walker

    Product Analyst, Green Oasis

    "Exceptional UI/UX designer! Transformed our vision into a seamless, visually stunning experience. Highly recommend for creative innovation and precision."

  • Mark Thompson

    Analyst, Digital Dynamics

    "Ivan's attention to detail and expertise transformed our website. We're thrilled with the results. Highly recommend his services!"

  • Sarah Johnson

    Manager, Tech Innovations

    "Ivan's design expertise transformed our online presence, leaving a lasting impact on our audience. Highly recommend his exceptional talent."

  • Ethan Walker

    Product Analyst, Green Oasis

    "Exceptional UI/UX designer! Transformed our vision into a seamless, visually stunning experience. Highly recommend for creative innovation and precision."

  • Mark Thompson

    Analyst, Digital Dynamics

    "Ivan's attention to detail and expertise transformed our website. We're thrilled with the results. Highly recommend his services!"

  • Sarah Johnson

    Manager, Tech Innovations

    "Ivan's design expertise transformed our online presence, leaving a lasting impact on our audience. Highly recommend his exceptional talent."

  • Ethan Walker

    Product Analyst, Green Oasis

    "Exceptional UI/UX designer! Transformed our vision into a seamless, visually stunning experience. Highly recommend for creative innovation and precision."

  • Mark Thompson

    Analyst, Digital Dynamics

    "Ivan's attention to detail and expertise transformed our website. We're thrilled with the results. Highly recommend his services!"

  • Sarah Johnson

    Manager, Tech Innovations

    "Ivan's design expertise transformed our online presence, leaving a lasting impact on our audience. Highly recommend his exceptional talent."

  • Ethan Walker

    Product Analyst, Green Oasis

    "Exceptional UI/UX designer! Transformed our vision into a seamless, visually stunning experience. Highly recommend for creative innovation and precision."

  • Mark Thompson

    Analyst, Digital Dynamics

    "Ivan's attention to detail and expertise transformed our website. We're thrilled with the results. Highly recommend his services!"

  • Sarah Johnson

    Manager, Tech Innovations

    "Ivan's design expertise transformed our online presence, leaving a lasting impact on our audience. Highly recommend his exceptional talent."

  • Ethan Walker

    Product Analyst, Green Oasis

    "Exceptional UI/UX designer! Transformed our vision into a seamless, visually stunning experience. Highly recommend for creative innovation and precision."

  • Mark Thompson

    Analyst, Digital Dynamics

    "Ivan's attention to detail and expertise transformed our website. We're thrilled with the results. Highly recommend his services!"

  • Sarah Johnson

    Manager, Tech Innovations

    "Ivan's design expertise transformed our online presence, leaving a lasting impact on our audience. Highly recommend his exceptional talent."

  • Ethan Walker

    Product Analyst, Green Oasis

    "Exceptional UI/UX designer! Transformed our vision into a seamless, visually stunning experience. Highly recommend for creative innovation and precision."

  • Mark Thompson

    Analyst, Digital Dynamics

    "Ivan's attention to detail and expertise transformed our website. We're thrilled with the results. Highly recommend his services!"

  • Sarah Johnson

    Manager, Tech Innovations

    "Ivan's design expertise transformed our online presence, leaving a lasting impact on our audience. Highly recommend his exceptional talent."

  • Ethan Walker

    Product Analyst, Green Oasis

    "Exceptional UI/UX designer! Transformed our vision into a seamless, visually stunning experience. Highly recommend for creative innovation and precision."

  • Mark Thompson

    Analyst, Digital Dynamics

    "Ivan's attention to detail and expertise transformed our website. We're thrilled with the results. Highly recommend his services!"

  • Sarah Johnson

    Manager, Tech Innovations

    "Ivan's design expertise transformed our online presence, leaving a lasting impact on our audience. Highly recommend his exceptional talent."

  • Ethan Walker

    Product Analyst, Green Oasis

    "Exceptional UI/UX designer! Transformed our vision into a seamless, visually stunning experience. Highly recommend for creative innovation and precision."

  • Mark Thompson

    Analyst, Digital Dynamics

    "Ivan's attention to detail and expertise transformed our website. We're thrilled with the results. Highly recommend his services!"

  • Sarah Johnson

    Manager, Tech Innovations

    "Ivan's design expertise transformed our online presence, leaving a lasting impact on our audience. Highly recommend his exceptional talent."


Feedback from Satisfied Clients

Feedback from Satisfied Clients

Feedback from Satisfied Clients

Get started

Get started


What types of design work do you specialize in?

How long have you been working in the design industry?

How do you handle feedback and revisions in your design process?

Do you have experience working with multidisciplinary teams?

What's your design philosophy?

Are you open to freelance or contract opportunities?

What types of design work do you specialize in?

How long have you been working in the design industry?

How do you handle feedback and revisions in your design process?

Do you have experience working with multidisciplinary teams?

What's your design philosophy?

Are you open to freelance or contract opportunities?

Say hello

Let's transform your vision into stunning reality. Reach out today and start the journey to a remarkable brand presence.

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Copyright © 2024 Ivan Baturin. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2024 Ivan Baturin. All rights reserved.